Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How Do You Know? 47:21

In this movie Reese Witherspoon plays a 31 year old (YEAH RIGHT!) softball player. She hasn't been 31 for like a FEW years! The last time she looked hot in a movie you would have to switch the numbers in the age she portrays in this movie, so she would be 13 (pedo-joke). Actually she looked pretty hot in the Spiderman movies that came out a few years ago (EDIT: That is not her).

Owen Wilson plays a star pitcher for the Washington Nationals in this movie. The reason I knew this movie was not based on a true story is because Nationals players do not have fans in real life.

Paul Rudd is very Paul Ruddy.

Also Jack Nicklaus has his first major role, he has a smooth transition from the fairway to the silver screen.

The 47:21 that I caught of this movie was dumb. There was a funny part with Owen Wilson at one point. 6/8 eyeboogers.

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