Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Shawshank Redemption

If you like rape, murder, and conspiracy...then you are into some weird stuff. Those three things are also in this movie.

Tim Robbins plays Andy Dufrense, a former banker that has been sentenced to life in prison...FOR MURDER! Here is the thing though, he didn't even do it! If Tim Robbins sounds like a familiar actor then you probably have seen him in one of his more well known films, The City of Ember (4/8 eyeboogers).

Morgan Freeman plays Red. Red is a black guy in jail.

Anyways at the end of the day you very easily could fall asleep during this movie. It is a very long and quiet movie. Although it has all of the necessary qualities a movie needs for a person to sleep during, I did not fall asleep. Therefore I give this movie 0/8 eyeboogers.

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