Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Terminal 31:28

Tom Hanks at his finest. This must be the other movie he won an oscar for. No wait, no. Nope. That was a joke. He plays a very convincing Eastern-European man in this movie, but not really. He is almost as good as one of my friends when they do an impression of somebody from Eastern Europe. My friends are very below average with that kind of accent.

If you are looking for a movie to fall asleep to, why not this? It is not a very loud movie, because it takes place in an airport terminal. At worst it gets to an above average murmur level.

I have never ever seen a movie live up to its title so well. I enjoyed this as much as sitting at the airpot, waiting for a plane. I’m guessing that is what this movie was about, I did not finish it. I fell asleep around the 31:28 point in the movie. (7/8 eyeboogers)

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